Cookie Policy

Web owners designed various innovations to boost the overall user experience, including using cookie files.

You must have seen a cookie content notification if you have ever visited a website recently. Usually, you are required to click on “Accept” to remove it. 

What is a cookie file? What are their usage cases? Keep reading this brief guide to learn more!

What is a Cookie file?

A cookie file is a browser cookie, which involves small packets of data that are capable of monitoring visitors and their activities on the website. Whenever users visit the platform, these cookies make it easy to recognize them. 

What this implies is that cookies are responsible for storing your activity history on a website. The various functions of cookies depend on the specific type of cookie file. For instance, a history of every visit you have made to a website is created by “tracking” cookies.

Similarly, your activity on a website can be monitored by “session” cookies. However, it disappears whenever you leave the website. When it comes to monitoring login information, “authentication” cookies can handle this.

A cookie file is a text file that web servers often demand from their users. Then, they include their own information on your hard drive. Even if you are never asked to accept or reject cookies, the browser you use should automatically give cookie files.

With cookie files, the web server can learn about the time and date you visited the site. They will also gather relevant information they may need. Cookies can be seen as a tool for storing and retrieving details on visitors.

How to Control Cookies

Controlling cookies involves managing, configuring, or clearing cookies. The web browser you use determines how you manage your cookies. In other words, different web browsers present different methods of configuring a browser’s cookie settings. 

The varying privacy policy among various websites ensure that numerous browsers can enable universal privacy settings from which you can select. 

The section below will look at how to clear cookies on computers, Android, and iOS.

  1. Clearing Cookies on Computer

Whenever cookies are removed from the computer, you will be signed out of the site. Any preferences you have saved can be deleted. Steps to follow to do so are listed below:

  • On your computer, open Google Chrome.
  • At the top right, click “More” and, after that, “Settings”.
  • Click “Privacy and Security” and then “Cookies”.
  • Click “See all site data and permissions” and then “Clear all data”.
  • To confirm, click “Clear”.
  1. Clearing Cookies on Android

The following steps can help you clear cookies on Android:

  • Open the Google Chrome app on your Android phone or tablet.
  • At the right of the address bar, tap “More” and then click on “Settings”.
  • Click on the “Privacy and Security” button.
  • Then “Clear browsing data”.
  • Choose a time range, for example, the “Following hour”.
  • Check “Cookies” and “Site data” and uncheck every other item.
  • Click on “Clear data” and then “Clear”.
  1. Clearing Cookies on iOS

The following steps can help you clear cookies on iOS:

  • Open Google Chrome or another browser you use on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap “More” and then “Settings”.
  • Click on “Privacy and Security”.
  • Then, “Clear browsing data”.
  • Check “Cookies”, “Site data”. 
  • Uncheck all the other items.
  • Hit the “Clear browsing data” button.
  • Then, you can click on “Done”.

How we Use Cookies

As explained earlier, a browser cookie is a piece of data that is sent to a user’s web browser. It is possible for the server to store the cookie and return it to that same server with requests at some other time.

In general, cookies serve three main purposes:

  • Personalization: including themes, user preferences
  • Management of sessions: it includes game scores, logins, shopping carts, or anything you need the server to remember.
  • Tracking: This includes examining and recording the behaviour of users. 

Cookie Classification

Cookies are generally classified into the following:

  1. Session cookies

Also regarded as temporary cookies, session cookies can enable sites to identify users, as well as the provided information, when they visit the website. With session cookies, information about the users can be retained only for as long as they remain on the website. The cookies are deleted once the website is closed.

  1. Permanent cookies

As their name implies, these cookies can retain their functions even when the web browser is closed. For instance, they can remember login information. This ensures that there is no need for users to re-enter their details whenever they use a site. It is widely believed that permanent cookies are removed after 12 months.

  1. First-party cookies

These cookies are installed directly by the website the user is visiting. With these files, web owners can gather analytics data while also carrying out a wide range of functions that can contribute to a top user experience.

  1. Third-party cookies

Third parties install these cookies to gather specific information from web users. It can help them understand user behaviour, spending habits, or demographics. Advertisers provide these cookies to make sure their products are targeted to the right audience.

  1. Flash cookies

They are also referred to as super cookies. They are usually independent from the web browser. This type of cookies is designed for permanent storage on any user’s computer. These files are known to remain on the user’s device even when all cookies appear to have been eliminated from their web browsers.

Cookies Behaviour

Different cookies are tasked with different responsibilities. In other words, the behaviour of a cookie demonstrates its task. For instance, some cookies are responsible for gathering and storing activities on a website. These are called tracking cookies.

Similarly, a user’s activity on the website can be monitored by using “session cookies”. These cookies are temporary and they vanish once the user leaves the site. Furthermore, authentication cookies can handle login information.

Cookies Used by Our Website

We prioritise the importance of providing our users with a top experience. The use of cookies is an important way of achieving this. Our first-party cookies can allow us to gather information about clients. Then, we tailor our services toward meeting them.

Christopher Goodin: Owner, Content Writer & Editor-in-Chief PlayAUCasino
Christopher Goodin
Hi, I'm Christopher Goodin - owner, content writer and editor-in-chief of PlayAUCasino. I am an expert on new online gambling trends, focusing on the latest casinos and responsible gambling. I offer our visitors the best tips to participate in gambling wisely with my experience of over a decade.
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